Serving Florida first responders since 1999.


Let's make retirement work for you.

Turn your savings into steady income with investment management strategies designed to secure your financial future. 

Retirement marks a significant shift – from earning a paycheck, to relying on your savings and investments for income.

Creating a reliable retirement paycheck from your portfolio to generate steady returns while protecting your wealth from inflation and market downturns requires a strategic blend of investment types and hands-on management.

AWP’s Retirement Income Investment Portfolios are carefully constructed to help retired investors:

Reduce Risk
Create a Reliable Income Stream
Improve Returns

AWP's custom, analysis-backed construction and proactive, fact-based management set your portfolio up for stable, steady income generation.

Custom Portfolio Construction

We don’t use cookie-cutter portfolios. We manage all portfolios in house based on your life goals.

In-House Analysis

AWP’s team of CFP®’s, CFA’s and asset management specialists work together collectively to design portfolios for our clients that we would personally invest in.

Leverage of 3rd-Party Analysts

AWP leverages the information available from top industry analysts and technology platforms to make informed decisions positively supported based on academic research.


Build Sustainable Lifetime Income.

Let's create your retirement paycheck.


Our Investment Strategies

To form the backbone of a reliable retirement paycheck, providing a blend of stability and income, we leverage the following investment strategies. Depending on your income needs and risk/volatility tolerance, your portfolio will be a combination of:


Fixed Income & U.S. Treasuries Coupled with Dividend-Producing Stocks

Yield strategies focus on conservative investments that offer consistent payouts, including fixed income securities, U.S. Treasuries, and dividend-paying stocks. These investments form the backbone of a reliable retirement paycheck, providing a blend of stability and income.

Fixed Income & U.S. Treasuries

Short-term bonds


Long-term bonds


Corporate & municipal bonds



annually, depending upon bond type & maturity

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Dividend-Paying Stocks

Yield for large-cap, blue-chip companies


Historical returns with reinvestment



annually, depending upon bond type & maturity

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Reasonable Income Potential

By combining these income-generating investments, retirees can enjoy a predictable and stable flow of income, typically yielding 3% to 4% annually on average across both asset classes.


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Growth with Income Distribution

Total return strategies focus on maximizing both capital appreciation and income generation. This approach leverages equity investments to participate in market growth while providing income through regular rebalancing and withdrawal strategies.

Equity Market Strategies

Quarterly rebalancing helps harvest gains and maintain growth.

Potential for strong returns over long-term, but market volatility is always a risk.

8-10% historical returns from a diversified stock portfolio

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Cash Buffer

A buffer of 3-5 years of living expenses held in conservative reserves acts as a safety net.
Help to protect portfolio longevity in exchange for modest returns.
2-4% annually, ensuring income during market downturns

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Reasonable Income Potential

Combining growth and buffer strategies, retirees can expect 4-5% annual income distribution.


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Reliable Income with Downside Protection

Asset-backed structured equity strategies offer an alternative for retirees seeking a balance between income generation and capital protection. These investments are typically tied to tangible assets like real estate or infrastructure, and they offer structured returns with downside protection.

Structured Equity Investments

Provide income with capital protection. Often include downside protection in exchange for limited upside.

Lower growth potential but steady, less volatile income.
Returns vary based on structure, but often offer 4-8% annual income. Depends on underlying assets, and market conditions.

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Reasonable Income Potential

For retirees seeking a blend of income and stability, structured equity products can generate 4% to 8% in annual income distributions, and in some cases an opportunity for an additional 4 to 6% in long-term capital appreciation. These vehicles have unique features offering protection against significant market downturns of equity market exposure. ​


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Direct Investments and Private Real Estate Funds

Real estate is an attractive option for retirees looking for stable, inflation-protected income. Direct ownership of rental properties and investments in private real estate funds provide consistent cash flow and potential long-term appreciation.

Direct Real Estate Investments

A historical return of 7-10% annually, thanks to a combination of rental income and property appreciation.

Reliable stream of rental income in exchange for higher maintenance.


Net rental income alone can bring 4-5% annually.

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Private Real Estate Funds

Exposure to income-producing real estate without the burden of managing a property or tenants.
Lower-maintenance investment without bonus rental income.


Distributions typically range from 5-7% annually.

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AWP's Core Investment Philosophy

As a fiduciary, our job is to make investment decisions that are in your best interest. This means ignoring the daily headlines and sticking with evidence-based solutions. Our investment philosophy is centered on this principle, along with the following core tenets:

May provide for a margin of safety that results in a lower probability of losing permanent capital, which may ultimately lead to long term wealth accumulation. The goal is to create an asset mix that seeks to provide the optimal balance between expected risk and return for a long-term investment horizon.

A well-diversified portfolio centered around your long-term goals. Just because an investment is available (like gold), doesn’t mean it’s the right choice for you. For example, corporate bonds may behave like stocks during major market downturns, which doesn’t provide adequate diversification for a retiree. We focus on investing in asset classes that:

Reducing overpriced assets and purchasing underpriced assets will naturally create a “buy low, sell high” framework to protect capital in down markets and reduce volatility.

Allocating meaningful capital to highly qualified managers and ideas is better than over diversifying a portfolio. We seek out investment managers and funds that are in the top quartile relative to their peers.

It’s unlikely that a single investment firm can internally employ the “best” talent to trade all types of securities and strategies; therefore, we seek out highly qualified independent third‐party managers within each asset class to manage our clients’ capital, where appropriate.

As Warren Buffett famously said, his favorite holding period is “forever” — and we share that philosophy. While holding an investment indefinitely may not be practical for most retirement investors, we design portfolios with low turnover. Each time an investment is bought or sold, costs are incurred, including not only visible costs like transaction fees and taxes but also hidden costs such as bid-ask spreads. These expenses can erode your returns. To maximize your investment returns and minimize taxes, we intentionally select investments with low turnover.

We use low-cost or no-cost investment options to lower the “hurdle” to achieving gains, reducing the need to take on unnecessary risks to meet your performance goals. Research from Morningstar indicates that the cost of your investments is one of the strongest predictors of future returns. Simply put, low-cost investments have historically outperformed those with higher fees.

Financial losses come from selling investments when the market is down. People do this because they either a) take on too much risk or volatility exposure to begin with or b) need the cash when the market is down. We make sure our growth investors have an adequate reserve of cash to exploit market opportunities when they become available, rather than becoming a victim to them.


Let's turn your investments into "mailbox money."

Work with AWP to design an investment strategy that provides steady, reliable income – giving you financial peace of mind throughout retirement.

Start a conversation with our experts.

Ready to create your "Retirement Paycheck"? We're ready to help. Schedule time us to get started.

Or, get a free investment analysis.

It's part our Retirement Assessment, which is FREE for Florida First Responders.


Helping first responders retire well since 19991.

Atlantic Wealth Partners (AWP) has built a legacy of trust and expertise in financial planning for over two decades. Our deep understanding of the unique challenges faced by first responders has allowed us to provide tailored retirement and financial planning solutions.

Our legacy is rooted in dedication, longstanding relationships, personalized service, and a deep commitment to supporting the financial well-being of those who serve our communities. See the history of our firm and how we have been catering to the needs of Florida’s First Responders since 1999 here.

First Responder Families Served
0 +
First Responder AUM/AUA
$ 0 M+
1 As the Center for Wealth Planning from 1999-2017. As of 4/1/2024.

When you work with Atlantic Wealth Partners, you get more than just an advisor – you gain a team of seasoned professionals that are held to a higher standard of financial planning and estate planning, working to guide you through your financial journey with the respect and integrity you deserve.


First-Responder Financial Planning Tools & Guides

Designed for Florida first responders. Powered by AWP.

Managing Portfolio Volatility
The FRS Pension Plan: An Overview for Florida First Responders
FRS Investment Plan: An Overview for Florida First Responders
457(b) Plans: An Overview for Florida First Responders
Maximizing Your FRS Pension & DROP for Florida’s Special Risk Employees: A Guide for First Responders
Covering Healthcare Costs in Retirement: A Guide for Florida Retirement System Members
Turning Investments into a Retirement “Paycheck”
Finding Your Optimal Retirement Age
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Learn what to look for in a financial advisor with this free guide and companion checklist, designed for first responders.

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